UCET Podcast with Kiera Beddes

Beyond the Buzz: Making Professional Learning Stick with Lauren Merkley

Episode Summary

This season, we will be exploring USBE's professional learning standards, by diving into the sixth standard of Implementation. In this episode, we'll explore how professional learning applies research on change and sustains support for implementation of long-term change with 2020 Utah Teacher of the Year, Teacher Fellow (and UCET featured speaker!) Lauren Merkley. Let's chat about how to make learning stick.

Episode Notes

Our host, Kiera, sat down with Lauren Merkley, Teacher Fellow and UCET Featured Speaker,  to discuss the professional learning standard of Implementation. Find the rest of the standards here: https://www.schools.utah.gov/curr/educatordevelopment/professionallearning 

Over the course of the episode, we dive into some of the following questions:

  1. As a teacher, how did you design learning for your students to (hopefully) have a long-term impact? How does that apply to professionally learning?
  2. What recommendations do you have as a classroom teacher for people who provide professional learning for teachers? What can they do to make PD memorable and great?
  3. How do you measure the effectiveness in facilitating long-term change? Both as a teacher, and as a Fellow, and as keynote speaker? Is it even possible?

Thanks to Kiera for hosting and for Matt Winters' help in sound editing!

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