UCET Podcast with Kiera Beddes

Using Data and Activism to Spark Empathy with John Arthur and Brooke Anderson

Episode Summary

In this episode, we are focusing on encouraging responsible evaluation and appropriate responses to others’ online communications through the lens of educational activism.

Episode Notes

Welcome back to episode 3 of the UCET podcast, where we talk about all things Utah, education, and technology. In this episode, we focus on encouraging responsible evaluation and appropriate responses to others’ online communications through the lens of educational activism. We have two guests on this episode, John Arthur, Utah’s 2021 Teacher of the Year from Salt Lake City School District, and Brooke Anderson, Data & Impact Specialist with the Utah Teacher Fellows and Teacher Specialist with Jordan District.

Over of the course of this episode, we discuss the following questions:

  1. How can a teacher even start instigating change?
  2. How can teachers help students become agents of change for their communities?
  3. How can a teacher approach working with a decision maker who thinks differently than them?
  4. How can technology be leveraged to create change?
  5. How do you deal with burnout as a change-maker?

At the end of the episode, we discuss some simple ways that teachers can start making positive changes for their schools and communities. As was mentioned in the episode, we need to make sure our kids are going to the joyous, just schools that they deserve, and teachers are a big part of making that happen. You can follow John at @9thevermore on Twitter and Youtube and you can follow Brooke at @anderbrooke on Twitter. 

Special thanks to Matt Winters for the sound editing and Kiera Beddes for hosting.